Aker Solutions (Aker Stord) built until 1975 super tankers of up to 370,000 tonnes dv.
He stood ready with 14 super tankers when the Suez Canal was closed in 1967.
In 1968 Reksten placed an order for yet another seven super tankers from Aker, the largest ships the world had seen so far.
Twelve of his super tankers were now hired out to British Petroleum under a contract providing Reksten with a net profit of 500 million kroner.
The market was so slow that five of Reksten's super tankers were laid-up, while he was forced to sell out another two.
The great unknown is what rapid ageing does to creative zest, and how many decades it takes to turn the demographic super tanker.
There is also a large ship, a super tanker, maybe.
Not a super tanker.
This means nearly 6 mt/pa will have to be berthed from super tankers in addition to nearly 4 mt/pa of marine sand and gravel.
Transportation costs are higher for coal and oil systems at 20000 train cars or 10 super tankers, in relation to a nuclear plant at just 3-4 trucks.