Their purpose was not to become super soldiers or assassins the way Project Sign had attempted to use them.
In this novel, Jason is being used by the government, who are trying to use his indestructibility to create their own army of "super soldiers".
Senius's first batch of super soldiers are turned loose in the woods.
They were good cultivators as well as super soldiers.
She was developed as a super soldier on the planet of Jackson's Whole.
"And you're a super soldier, right, so that means you work fourteen hours a day, seven days a week?"
The former had concentrated on genetically-engineered super soldiers recently come back from an unsuccessful war in South America.
The project was to create super soldiers.
"But they're both super soldiers," he continued, "and I think both realize the other is good at what he's responsible for doing."
The control felt fine at conveying the idea that you are very much vulnerable and not some incredible genetically modified super soldier.