Then suddenly the 13,000-foot peak of the Bernina glowed in its veils of sunlit snow and the train chugged to its apex at the Bernina Hospice, about 7,400 feet.
He saw Eph Tait frozen with surprise in the patch of sunlit snow; Eph's jaw dropping at the sight of the juggernaut hurtling toward him.
Already it had put forth young leaves long and shapely, dark above and silver beneath, and upon its slender crown it bore one small cluster of flowers whose white petals shone like the sunlit snow.
Snow blindness, a burning of the cornea, is caused by the intense ultraviolet solar radiation multiplied by sunlit snow.
The radiance of the sunlit snow fell behind them, turning them momentarily half-blind.
The locks and beard of the other were red as the blood on the sunlit snow.
Gesturing over the side of the railing, where they could now see sheets of sunlit snow falling from the bottom of one dark cloud.
Jaric woke to the blinding glare of sunlit snow.
Then, through the thin veil of fog that was the dome, she saw the triple rose, blood red petals enclosing ebony enclosing a central flower as white as sunlit snow.
The flowers were pale with a yellow flush, and laid thickly on the branches like a sunlit snow; and their odour filled all the lower garden, faint but clear.