The bright sunlight through the window woke Wizard.
When the sunlight of a new day woke him, he was too drained to move.
Bright sunlight and birdsong woke her, and she could tell at once that it was going to be another hot, steamy July day.
The sunlight waked her.
Beth's arms tightened about him to comfort him, and they drowsed away another delicious hour until the sunlight woke them.
CHAPTER 9 At seven-thirty, sunlight woke him.
Eventually, bored with existence, he settles into a long sleep, leaving word at the front desk, so to speak, that sunlight can wake him but that he'd prefer to sleep in.
"There are things - sunlight, warmth, waking next to someone warm and naked in my arms."
When the sun cleared the tops of the houses in Brooklyn Heights, the harbor turned blue and white, and a tremendous wind was generated as the sunlight woke the cold air over the ice.