Instead, sunlight through a nearby window then bathes the jar with light and kills it.
Ghasts prefer to dwell in complete darkness and have no tolerance for natural light - sunlight will kill them instantly.
"The windows have to be boarded up, because the sunlight would kill the baby trout."
But for that, the sunlight would have killed him instantly.
They also discover that sunlight does not kill a vampire, but makes their skin sparkle.
From a very young age, Raymond Terrill is told by his supposed father that exposure to direct sunlight will kill him.
I said, "I'd think direct sunlight would kill plants."
They say, too, that sunlight kills us, that we only live at night.
"It kills the insects, then dies off, the sunlight killing the fungus back to the natural background level."
If they get out, the sunlight will kill them.