At a commanding gesture from the necromancer, the misty forms drew back, yet each kept near its corpse, like shadows in a sunless world.
Beyond, the green plain looked dark, and the normally blue, gushing water of the river that wound out of the city seemed blacker, shiningless, in that almost sunless world.
This sunless world had welcomed and nurtured me for twenty-eight years, had been always a place of peace and comfort to me.
Command us, his followers offered, madmen from a hellish, sunless world he did not yet understand.
The Night Land is a much longer novel, written in an archaic style and expressing a sombre vision of a sunless far-future world.
There were no sounds of steps or voices in the street; I might have strayed into some new and sunless world.
And to such a bleak and sunless world?
The suns and their various worlds had been mapped, while the sunless worlds between and the occasional primordial black hole wore navigational labels.
This fire was suddenly the only light in a cold, sunless world, and if somebody didn't feed it soon the consequences would be grim.
And while he had once been accustomed to the burning brilliance of a Mediterranean sun, he'd lived for several years in the sunless world of TT-86.