The rest of his face was the leaden mask of death, sunken temples, a sharp nose, outward-turning ear lobes, a mouth that was a thin white slit.
Underwater tanks hold more than 200 species of marine life in themed areas like a Louisiana swamp, sunken temple, rain forest and South Seas ship wreck.
It was a face that had come from that primitive beginning to knowing about ten-thousand-year-old sunken temples, spider ships, and international conspiracies.
For example, it was discovered that the harbor floor of nearby Pozzuoli had sunk and risen several times in the last 5,000 years, revealing sunken Roman temples.
Theme areas include a Louisiana swamp, a South Seas shipwreck, an Amazon rain forest, a Caribbean reef, a sunken temple and an offshore oil derrick.
He then connected the cable into the TV, picked up the remote and began running through the images recorded by Dirk and Summer of the sunken temple.
A relieved, emotional silence fell as each of us appeared on the frosted deck and we quietly sailed round an iceberg that rose, glowing, from the sea like a sunken temple.
Black veins popped in his sunken temples.
His eyes were immense and almost bottomless in the pallor of his face, with its high, hairless brow and sunken temples.
The most controversial structure of Tiahuanaco is the Kalasasaya, a sunken temple located in the center of the city, surrounded by huge walls.