Esk saw a fallen headstone, and realized that these were sunken graves, with the sickly plants crowding them.
Battered gravestones were all around, marking sunken graves.
Yet she drew me tighter into her embrace and forced me to stare again at the narrow sunken grave.
Smash realized where the bodies in the sunken graves had gone.
He nodded to the backhoe operator and the machine's claw took a bite out of the weedy, sunken grave.
To prevent sunken graves, many modern cemeteries require that either a burial liner or vault be used in burials.
Blue-eyed ivy, "garden-spruce," and mint ran riot over the sunken graves.
Off to Katie's left, a single rudely carved stone angel stood at the head of a small, sunken grave.
The sunken grave would fade away, probably in my lifetime.
While the plot of land was known to be a cemetery due to the sunken graves, knowledge that it was a military burial ground had been lost.