The album title refers to the name of a supposed sunken continent Lemuria, much like Atlantis.
With Ewing he established that the sea floor is not a former sunken continent but an original ocean basin.
In Skies of Arcadia there is a sunken continent named Soltis.
Both become sunken continents.
How is one to explain the fascination which the myths of sunken continents have exercised over the minds of so many recent scholars?
Louis Jacolliot claimed to have learned from this literature about a sunken continent called Rutas.
However, they returned after four years with a new concept album, Atlantis, centered around the myths of the sunken continent of Atlantis.
They are written in a hieratic form of Naacal, the language of the sunken continent of Mu.
The legendary sunken Lemurian continent was submerged beneath the ocean due to the deformation of the Earth's crust.
L'mur may refer to Lemuria, a fabled land bridge but a sunken continent in the mythos.