Photosynthesis took place, and the roots of the sunflower plants produced tubers with tough skins.
They found that mixing each cubic metre of soil with 3 kg of Agrosoke reduced by 65 per cent the amount of water needed to grow sunflower plants.
Shrunken sunflower plants, normally valuable for seeds and oil, are being used as a makeshift feed for livestock.
Native to North America, and sometimes called sunchokes, Jerusalem artichokes are the tubular roots of a perennial sunflower plant.
QUESTIONS/ANSWERS SUNFLOWER I have a large quantity of sunflower plants.
I believe it is also the first appearance of the all-important sunflower plant and the idea of sun as a resource.
If a sunflower plant in the bud stage is rotated 180 , the bud will be turning away from the sun for a few days, as resynchronization by the sun takes time.
However, there is a historical story says that when the Romans launched their invasion of Egypt had sent a campaign to Sudan and arrived to the current site of Khartoum where it found the sunflower plant whose seeds were called gurtoum.
Even when the pain became sharper and more localized, just beneath his right nipple, he assumed it was a pulled muscle from digging up the tough stalks of his sunflower plants.
In fact, the first known breeders of the sunflower plant lived in the Oak Bluff region.