By, honey," Ellena kissed the end of his sunburned nose.
His booty: eight field-level tickets, at $40 each, and a sunburned nose.
Unable to point, he wrinkled his sunburned nose, a result of the morning he had spent sitting in the courtyard of Bart's.
A blond boy with a sunburned nose and red eyelids shyly approaches a lieutenant.
By four I had a sunburned nose to show for my efforts and not much more.
Vacations in front of roller coasters, with sunburned noses and wide-brimmed hats.
A neatly dressed woman with a sunburned nose was exclaiming over postcards.
Her sunburned nose crinkled, a faint smile playing on her face.
MacArthur scratched his sunburned nose and walked over to where Lee had laid out a sleeping bag for him.
Married again, four children by today, a farm wife with a sunburned nose, and happy as can be.