But what makes wearing sun-protective clothing better than slathering on a thick layer of lotion?
And if someone wears sun-protective clothing only once in a while, how much good will it do?
Tips to help you shop for sunscreens and sun-protective clothing.
New rule: If you're not into sun-protective clothing, wear dark colors and tightly woven fabrics at peak hours.
The new findings make it even more important, experts say, for people to regularly use broad spectrum sun protection, from hats, sun-protective clothing, and sunscreen.
Everyone should be replacing misinformation with facts about the effectiveness of sunscreens and sun-protective clothing, and then putting those facts to proper use.
"They should always use an SPF of 30 or greater and wear a large-brimmed hat and sun-protective clothing."
Try to keep babies less than six months old out of the sun, or dress them in sun-protective clothing.
Starting with bonnets and sun umbrellas, then moving to sunglasses and sun-protective clothing, people have been inventing new ways to deal with the ever--present solar radiation.
Use a broad-brimmed hat, sun-protective clothing, and an SPF of 30 reapplied every two hours if you're outside, for example.