The sun swelled further, pulsed, and then went nova with a powerful explosion that dazzled the eyes of the attentive assembly.
The red sun swelled further and burst with a spray of dead fire, like pus breaking from an infected wound.
At last the fuel ran low, and the sun swelled into a vast red giant a hundred times its prior diameter.
The sun was swelling ever larger on the screen.
In a few billion years, the sun will swell up and swallow the Earth.
All the time," raged Fredericks sullenly, "they were yelling at us that the sun back home was swelling.
The sun swelled large and yellow above a horizon of blue-green water.
He corrected with another; and the distant sun swelled in their view plates with frightening rapidity.
That was the approximate time when the sun left the main sequence and swelled to gigantic size.
A second sun blazed white and swelled visibly as he watched.