Max is about 5' 8" with dirty blonde hair that has 'sun streaks in it', according to Angel.
He could feel Petey's tears between them, Late-morning sun glinted off the monkey's brass cymbals--the light reflected upward and put sun streaks on the motel's plain white stucco ceiling.
Lucy Chenier was five-five, with amber green eyes and auburn hair that seemed alive with sun streaks and a wonderful tan that went well with the highlights.
Reddish sun streaks drew their lines in her hair.
Now the light was lifting as the sun went down, and the sun streaks climbed up the wall and fell over the feeding racks and over the heads of the horses.
The sun streaks were high on the wall by now, and the light was growing soft in the barn.
The earth was a bewildering combination of sun streaks on the fields and long marching shadows of hedgerows and woods.
The first rays of sun streak across the chalk hillside, but there's still a chill in the air.
Glass blur, sun streaks.