He bent his head to look down at me intently, and the sun lit the narrow bridge of his nose and sparked in his lashes.
The sun sparked dully off the matte finish of their helmets.
Gullfoss is a multi-stepped affair that surges down into a mighty gash carved into the land; magical when the sun sparks rainbows into life, it's arguably even more enchanting in winter, when snow glistens and rime coats the rocks all around with a sparkling shell.
The sun sparked flashes of brilliance from the windows of high-rise office blocks.
The sun is not sparking.
Outside, the rain had ceased sometime before dawn and the sun was already sparking along the granite and schist outcroppings.
His long fingers touched the rim of a silver candlestick, and the sun from the window sparked from the metal, as though his touch were electric.
The sun sparked gold and fire from the curve of his head as he looked up.
The fading sun sparked the rich brown color, giving it fire.