The instant the sun shot its first rays over the camp, like bolts fired from a catapult, the long knife slid home.
The dense fog rolled away like a heavy cloud and suddenly the sun shot his bright rays over the island.
At each impact there came a surge of light and heat more dreadful than those which the sun already shot and flailed about itself.
The sun shot through it, casting a red shadow on the tablecloth.
She paused, and the red sun shot up.
The cold sun shoots bright light into the room without warming it.
At last the sun shot up into the air, like a bird from the hand of the Father of Lights.
The red sun shot up above the northern skyline, dripping and bloody.
The sun shot up, and they swayed back and forth in the crimson shadows.
There was the roof, with a hole in it through which the sun now shot an arrow.