The three most likely culprits are shade (squash is a sun lover), very hot weather (especially if temperatures do not moderate at night) and unusually wet conditions.
Coral bells are sun lovers, especially in the North, and they do best in soil that is moist but well drained.
Cape daisies are sun lovers that close at night and on dark cloudy days.
Even a sun lover can come to understand the rich and somber mysteries of the damp.
Across the street from a Riverhead town beach, sun lovers descend on this sophisticated, yet relaxed oasis in Wading River.
Vauxhall's new Astra Convertible offers sun lovers wind-in-the-hair driving with convenience, safety and security features designed for the 90s.
All the members of this clan are sun lovers.
Three of these are sun lovers.
Move sun lovers to progressively shadier spots outside to ease their transition to significantly reduced indoor light.
Another sun lover is the passionflower, one of Ms. Martin's favorites.