He was governor of Memu Bay; he was the one who summoned officials to him.
He is said to work through the night and sleep much of the day, summoning officials only as he needs them.
Late last week, the ministry summoned officials of Sumitomo Bank to discuss a potential merger with Daiwa, a union that would create the world's largest bank.
In 8 BC, Emperor Cheng summoned several key officials to discuss with him who would be the more proper heir.
Eventually, the judge banned the media as he summoned high-ranking officials to testify.
The case was big enough to summon important officials.
After concluding an initial round of discussions with Baresmanas, Theodora had summoned her top advisers and officials.
He summoned 60 real estate lawyers and public officials to a two-hour conference here on Thursday to thrash out solutions, and the participants were mostly supportive.
The agency has summoned Iranian officials to a meeting in Vienna on Wednesday to explain their intentions on research.
The prosecutor has the right to order other government agencies to deliver information, and to summon officials from those agencies if they fail to co-operate.