I also believed that, if the summit produced the right kind of report, governors could use it to build public support for more investment in education.
This summit produced some of the initial ideas for youth activism.
And if it's true that summits produce excessive pressure for success, that has a lot to do with their irregularity.
Notwithstanding that, this summit produced real, substantive benefits for the people who sent these leaders here.
The formal summit produced the usual agreements on issues from Chinese missile exports to the Asian financial crisis.
The summit produces occasional phreatic eruptions that can coat the ice with ash.
All in all however the summit produced fairly meagre results.
We wait with keen interest to see what the informal summit in Austria will produce.
The summit did not produce a reform but at least it produced a package which will allow the Union to get through the next few years.
Asian markets have risen ahead of the meeting on hopes that this summit will produce actions rather than just words.