It was a summery day - hot and smelly in the caterpillar.
Today women dress for the weather, not the dictates of fashion, and summery days in September are no time for fall woolens.
On summery days quaffers spill out onto the small patio and sip among the flower baskets, watching passers-by on Greenwood Avenue.
Suzy Favor was sitting in the press tent, all gentility and grace, all smiles on a summery day.
But on this serene and summery day, no runaway candidates are in sight for championships in any of the divisions of the racing business.
But the tizzies and tides of Washington seem far, far away on a summery day in the place where Mr. Perot was born and raised.
It was a summery day in July.
In Loving's little downtown, just two cars were parked at the branch of Western Commercial Bank on a summery day in the middle of winter.
Good, chilled music for a summery day.
In fact, this was the prettiest, most truly summery day I'd seen in over three years.