Fifty years ago, major league scouts were frequenting summer-league games at the Parade Grounds in Brooklyn.
He knew Lenny had a temper, had seen it during summer-league games.
The players promise to watch their coach's Hall of Fame induction speech, even if they are in the middle of summer-league games.
But it was hard to mistake Robinson's unbridled enthusiasm during summer-league games.
He averaged 17.8 points on 46.4 percent shooting for the Nets' entry in the seven summer-league games in White Plains.
Marbury planned to attend the Knicks' summer-league game here Saturday night and was expected to meet with reporters.
He suffered from fainting spells and once lost consciousness during a summer-league game.
That they played to a virtual draw in a summer-league game at Cox Pavilion was something of a victory for Frye.
The rule changes, which will go into effect during summer-league games, were approved by a vote of 22-6 (one owner abstained) during a conference call.
"This is not all that different because just about all of the coaches in the league let their assistants run the summer-league games," Suhr said.