During the summer peak season, the volume increases to a total of 3,812 vehicles on average.
Annual precipitation ranges from 75-110 cm (30-43 in) and is well distributed throughout the year with a usual summer peak.
So why do we need to see Sagittarius at its summer peak in the humid air?
Like the Kenyans, they run cross-country, using it as a foundation for a summer peak.
Home sales and new construction have fallen from their summer peaks.
That left the state with a serious shortage of generating capacity for the summer peak electric use.
When I invited a friend to assess the garden at its summer peak, she said it was perfect, don't change a thing.
The summer peak could last for several months, considerably longer than that at Christmas.
Retailers hiring staff to meet summer peaks are less likely to use simple fixed-term contracts.
Vehicle sales have edged down from their summer peak, and consumer spending, though still strong, has grown more slowly since last fall.