Finally, the summer of 2009 the entire management left the club, leaving many debts behind.
Conditions at the camp improved that summer as almost all the prisoners left by September 1862.
That summer she and Portius attack the woods with axe and fire, leaving the biggest logs to dry through the fall.
Somehow Pentecost's hot summer had left his skin untouched.
But she said that this summer of good weather has left the towns and business people with little to complain about.
A summer of road-ganging had left him deeply tanned and in better shape than he'd ever been in his life.
A summer of hard work and low prestige have left her sounding like a convert to her father's cause.
After two or three weeks, the buds will swell into perfect green hearts, summer leaves in miniature.
What happened at Abbotsfield that summer left her with a distaste for all religions, not just Christianity.
I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.