Vidora was also active socially, with church and school programs and annual summer fairs.
She was familiar with the grounds of the Manor from various fetes and summer fairs, but she had only rarely been inside.
The foundation trustees donated £100,000 to the tricentenary appeal fund, and the school has organised a range of fund-raising activities, including annual summer fairs.
Two areas of public open space in the village, including Cricket Green that hosts occasional summer fairs and has been played for over 160 years.
The play is set at Bartholomew Fair, which from 1133 to 1855 was one of London's preeminent summer fairs.
Although local markets continued uninterrupted, most small towns came alive commercially only during their summer fairs.
These walks are often tied to other events such as summer fairs, historic re-enactments, music festivals or charity events.
In the Midwest, turtle racing is popular at summer fairs.
There are a number of major summer fairs and festivals that take place in the Township of North Dundas.
The last of the these summer fairs was held in 1835.