American art-world eyes are turning eastward to Europe right now as a string of summer extravaganzas - the Venice Biennale, Documenta 12, the Basel Art Fair and the Münster Sculpture Project - open in carefully calibrated succession through mid-June.
The BBC Proms concerts, the annual summer extravaganza at the Royal Albert Hall in London, open tonight and will be dedicated to the victims of the terror bombings last week, said Nicholas Kenyon, the festival's director.
Organized by Sarah Seager and Thaddeus Strode, this summer extravaganza is made up of 200 or or so painted versions of favorite CD covers by almost as many artists.
Colin Colvert of the Star Tribune felt "Bryan Singer's sensitivity to [the discrimination themes] made the first two X-Men films surprisingly resonant and soulful for comic-based summer extravaganzas... Singer is adept at juggling large casts of three-dimensional characters, Ratner makes shallow, unimaginative bang-ups."
This big, showy, spirit-crushing summer extravaganza includes not a single heartfelt moment, unless you count its sequence set in a strip club.
In his opening statement to the jury on July 5, Mr. Feffer predicted that his client's trial would be a "true summer extravaganza."
During 1990 there were many crowded 'Bops', Barn Dances, Jazz Evenings, a 'High School Prom' and an outdoor summer extravaganza with Hertford whose tickets required 'Black Tie and Shorts'.
The annual International Festival of Arts and Ideas is a showcase for the city, having grown into a 17-day summer extravaganza that this year attracted 165,000 people, more than half of whom were from outside of New Haven and its suburbs, according to festival officials.
LEAVING behind their confines for a temporary stay in the open air, seven prisoners from Her Majesty's Prison Leyhill in the Cotswolds won their second gold medal last week at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, the Royal Horticultural Society's summer extravaganza.
Not the usual Modern exhibition, this breezily entertaining summer extravaganza includes hundreds of publicity stills, movie trailers, supermarket glossies and television excerpts that chart a trajectory from the world of Queen Victoria to that of Kato Kaelin.