And if the turf browns off in the summer, so be it, the grass has just gone into its summer dormancy.
The plants then starts its summer dormancy for several months.
Prefers low to mid-elevation, shade or part shade, dry summer dormancy, good drainage.
In hotter climates Lithops will have a summer dormancy when they should be kept mostly dry, and they may require some water in winter.
In tropical climates, Lithops can be grown primarily in winter with a long summer dormancy.
It prefers dry summer dormancy, with no water after blooming, good drainage, and part shade.
One thing in their favor is a natural mechanism that forces them into summer dormancy.
It is also cultivated as an ornamental plant, where it prefers dry summer dormancy, with good drainage.
THE controversial proposal to create a county human rights commission could re-emerge from its summer dormancy in a modified version.
I could hear the steam heat tingling in the pipes, still unwieldy from summer dormancy.