Local businesses donated funds for a summer concert series and children's entertainment.
Over the past several years, the city has cosponsored a summer concert series offering a variety of music in cooperation with various local businesses.
We started doing a free summer concert series, and it sort of grew to be dominated by jazz.
It has a tot play area, gazebo and a summer concert series.
Under pressure to find new ways to attract an audience, the group hatched the idea of holding a summer concert series.
It also halted cultural events, like its summer concert series.
Park events include an annual Easter egg hunt and a summer concert series.
A number of special events are held throughout the year including an annual sheepshearing festival and a summer concert series.
The park also announced plans for a summer concert series, featuring popular musical acts and artists.
The summer concert series returned to the park and became an annual event.
Local businesses donated funds for a summer concert series and children's entertainment.
Over the past several years, the city has cosponsored a summer concert series offering a variety of music in cooperation with various local businesses.
We started doing a free summer concert series, and it sort of grew to be dominated by jazz.
It has a tot play area, gazebo and a summer concert series.
Under pressure to find new ways to attract an audience, the group hatched the idea of holding a summer concert series.
It also halted cultural events, like its summer concert series.
Park events include an annual Easter egg hunt and a summer concert series.
A number of special events are held throughout the year including an annual sheepshearing festival and a summer concert series.
The park also announced plans for a summer concert series, featuring popular musical acts and artists.
The summer concert series returned to the park and became an annual event.