Over 10,000 participants annually attend one or more such educational programs, including nearly 6,000 school children and 700 summer campers.
The center welcomed its first summer campers in July 2003.
According to the association, the total number of summer campers has risen from 5 million to more than 6.5 million over the last five years.
But he still sounds like a summer camper who was forced to write a letter home to his mother.
IT'S a familiar drill, if you're the parent of a summer camper.
The couple are so short of cash they have been forced to rent a patch of their tiny lawn to summer campers.
Exactly what are we doing to our children when 40 percent of summer campers are on one or more chronic prescription medications?
Located at an altitude of 1517 metres, it is popular with local summer campers.
Most wore navy blue company polo shirts, like summer campers on a field trip.
Perhaps the most impressive accomplishment was the way the adults were turned into a bunch of summer campers in all the traditional ways.