Information given below comes from two newspaper articles published in 1994, with a summary written by a third party available on-line.
A summary and defence of the book, written shortly before his death, appeared in 1606.
Students will be graded on summaries written for five different news articles.
Museum staff members are asked to write summaries of their studies to be posted on the museum's Web site, where applicants can see them.
This is a summary written by users who have initiated the request for comment.
She suggested instead that candidates have their doctors write "comprehensive summaries," including only the information pertinent to running for office.
Her job at Enron was to head up a team that examined natural gas and power contracts, writing brief summaries for managers.
A historical summary of the by-election, written in 1969, described him as "well-known and wealthy, but not too popular".
This process requires the editor to conduct thorough research and write short, concise summaries on specific points.