The summary score for "performance," then, is a straight average of the component Z-scores.
We compare schools with similar grade structures - and therefore, similar required tests - when tabulating the summary score.
Our Needs Index is right there next to the summary scores, to provide that context for those who want to take it into consideration.
Alternately, the investigators may generate a summary score for each group of items and use either the sum or average of these.
We recommend that both the score based on items and the summary score be computed.
If the number of studies is small then creating quality groups is not possible and only the summary score need be computed.
Each summary score in the general US population has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.
This is SchoolBook's summary score based on results of the city's annual survey of parents, teachers and students.
This is one of four summary scores reported by the city as part of its annual survey of parents, middle- and high-school students, and teachers.
The sum of the three test card time scores constitutes the summary score for the entire test.