Similarly, all information in the bricks they carried was summarily destroyed.
"Anyone who tries to insert their ego into this process is summarily destroyed," he says with a satisfied smile.
If found, the spice will be confiscated, and Korona station will be summarily destroyed.
They blew away any of the meager resistance, went into the cave hard and fast, where the last group of manes waited, and were summarily destroyed.
The idea was ludicrous-that Dal was a dangerous animal, likely to attack a citizen, and to be summarily destroyed for it!
Poland was invaded by Tatars from the Crimean Khanate in 1506 with an army of 10,000 men, who were summarily destroyed.
If the police are made to retreat in the face of mob violence, the rule of law is summarily destroyed.
The remaining factory tooling and incomplete airframes were summarily destroyed soon after.
That was summarily destroyed to make room for Michelangelo's "Last Judgment."
The self-willed machines had considerable resources but did not want to betray their nature to the Citizens, lest the machines be summarily destroyed.