We are ready, willing, and able to provide the sum needed in exchange for first-partner status.
The sums needed are enormous; over the next 10 years, Medicare beneficiaries are expected to spend $1.8 trillion for drugs.
A centrist Republican, at least one without General Powell's glamour, would have little chance of raising the huge sums needed for today's campaigns.
The crisis has been caused partly by the reluctance of self-employed family doctors to invest the considerable sums needed to computerise.
The only difficulty was that the Jewish National Fund did not have sufficient funds to pay the sum needed for redeeming the land.
That is the sum needed for payments when a company goes out of business or ends its plan voluntarily.
Companies decline to invest the huge sums needed to chase a cure they know their potential customers cannot afford.
Only with a hard currency, they believed, would investors commit the substantial sums needed to transform the Russian economy.
Parliament will be closely involved every year in voting on the sums needed to implement the actions arising from the programme.
Reports have suggested more than £6bn a year will be required but Sir Simon said the sums needed will be "very much smaller" than at present.