The song is a sultry tune that requires the singer to reach down to her lowest register.
While it's being cooked to order, sit back and savour the delicious bread, the views of Burj Khalifa (sit on the terrace) and the sultry tunes from the live band.
But Saint-Saens threw everything into the mix, from sultry Spanish-flavored tunes to impish Gallic gaiety.
For Kathleen York, a singer-songwriter of sultry, ethereal tunes, what has always paid her bills is a career as uncertain as music: acting.
Later on, though, at The Bait Shop, Alex is listening to Rachael Yamagata sing a sultry tune when Marissa approaches her from behind and takes her hand, weaving their fingers together.
Mr. Betti van der Noot has been writing for big bands since 1970, and he has an ear for sultry tunes and unusual voicings; this large ensemble offers a rare chance to hear his music in full cry.
"Come Away With Me" was filled with mellow, sultry tunes - precisely the opposite of the histrionic diva pop crowding the charts.
Chuck Taylor, of Billboard magazine reviewed the song favorably calling it "a sultry, hook-laden tune that finds Ronnie Dunn in fine vocal form."
The opening track, "After Hours," is a sultry tune featuring orchestral enhancement, subtle horn charts, and creates a mood that signals the listener is in for a great time.