Pepito, the sullen son of the Spanish Ambassador, moves in next door and causes trouble.
He suspects that his sullen teen-age son, Jack, is doing drugs.
So many poor haggard faces, so many stooped and sullen sons and daughters, beaten down by their day's labours.
So it had to be, some kind of information about Cernunnos's sullen son.
When their sullen 12-year-old son plucks a beer from the refrigerator, Bobby dismisses Samson's concern, telling him, "Oh, it was a light beer."
His sullen son almost never spoke and she didn't know if she could trust him.
Two years later (twelve in Fox Years), the Foxes and their sullen son Ash, are living in a hole.
Imagine their shock when their brilliant, sullen son, Josh (Ben Caplan), starts wearing a yarmulke and praying all the time.
Any number of Landry's peers, soldiers, and retainers were happening by, all with oafish, sullen sons in tow.
When an old girlfriend goes into a rehab facility to kick her cocaine addiction, Howard opens his home to her sullen 9-year-old son, Ryan.