The air filled with toxic sulfurous smoke.
A thin cloud of sulfurous smoke hung in the air, stinging his nostrils, distorting his vision.
Choking plumes of sulfurous smoke.
The puff of sulfurous smoke from the matchhead filled the little underground room and made Moishe Russie cough.
There was a puff of sulfurous smoke and Rubigo's tankard clattered onto the wooden floor.
His eyes drawn again to the crystal's heart, Oliver now saw the dazzles as microscopic versions of catastrophic explosions filled with sulfurous smoke and fiery death.
When he would parry, little puffs of sulfurous smoke would rise, but Ferxigo gave no sign of any discomfort.
Off in the distance, scarlet-tipped volcanoes oozed lava onto the harsh plains while spewing thick, sulfurous smoke into the tainted atmosphere.
The trains penetrate areas not reachable by car, lurching and creeking on their crinkum-crankum way, exhaling mildly sulfurous smoke and speaking in guttural whistles.
Yel-low blood, reeking of sulfurous smoke, sprayed in all direc-tions.