It was a female who spoke, her voice ringing clear and strong through the sulfurous air.
And upon that, Great Ap sprang into the now sulfurous air, and with six beats of his mighty wings he was again aloft and away.
After a moment, he tottered upright, out of the tent into the sulfurous air that swirled and swept up the hillside.
Thorne coughed in the sulfurous air, and walked back into the sunlight.
Strabo spit at the sulfurous air.
A strange new sound whistled in the sulfurous air.
Zephyrs of sulfurous, bacteria-ripe air reached her nose.
A gust of sulfurous air fled the bag, and the exhausted craft settled, finally and heavily.
Then it shot up again on a geyser of hot, sulfurous air.
A blast of sulfurous air overrode the stench of the cavern.