With three level air and higher dry solids the sulfur emissions could be kept in place.
And one way or another sulfur emissions must be reduced.
It is also committed to a continuing reduction in sulfur emissions.
The "get the bad guys" approach of the original act set standards for sulfur emissions from power plants.
Once the limits are in effect, community officials say, they will reduce the sulfur emissions by one million tons a year.
In 2002, the Chinese government vowed to cut sulfur emissions by 10 percent by 2005.
But if China continues to do little, sulfur emissions could double, creating even more devastating health and environmental problems.
By itself, the measure may not do much to reduce windblown sulfur emissions and the acid rain they cause.
The requirement would cut current sulfur emissions by about 50 percent.
After that, total sulfur emissions could not exceed the levels of 1980.