In Antarctica and Greenland ice cores, a major eruption or series of eruptions is revealed as a spike in sulfate concentration showing that the release in form of particles was higher than any other eruption since.
The presence of hydrogen sulfide was associated with decreased sulfate concentrations, indicating that it probably arose from bacterial reduction of sulfate.
These peaks correspond to elevated sulfate concentrations in the ice.
By performing measurements both under conditions where the strontium was biomineralized by the cell into crystals, and where it was not, they were able to determine that it was actually the sulfate concentration in the vacuole that was causing selective sequestration of the strontium.
Barium is also used to control the sulfate concentration, which leads to the formation of barium sulfate, a hazardous waste.
The activation of sulfate is catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase, which affinity for sulfate is rather low (Km approximately 1 mM) and the in situ sulfate concentration in the chloroplast is most likely one of the limiting/regulatory steps in sulfur reduction.
"I want to see how varying the sulfate concentration affects the stiffness of the finished mixture."
FGL has a sulfate concentration around 13.5 mmol/L (about half that of modern seawater) which is derived from groundwater input to the deep portion of the lake.
The high sulfate concentrations indicate extensive weathering processes of mainly carbonate and sulphorous materials.