Mike Tyson has been universally condemned for his behavior, and will be suitably punished.
All the good people are rewarded and all the bad ones are suitably punished.
They are suitably punished.
The people of the city, those who could not break through the Serbian siege, are being suitably punished for ever cherishing Sarajevo or the strange idea for which it stood and lived.
I'm suitably punished.
I hope you had her suitably punished.
Wallie apologized for his vassal's behavior and assured his host that the man was being suitably punished.
"Then let's pretend we're suitably punished and get the hell out of here."
How satisfying for the people who had shops burnt, livlihoods destroyed, family businesses gone forever, family members murdered; that these people are being suitably punished.
Criminal behaviour should also be suitably punished at a national level.