After a bit of consideration, Libby had decided that the yellow dress wasn't suitable attire for surveillance work.
I quickly changed into attire suitable for gang warfare likely to stop only just short of the deployment of nuclear weapons.
At that time, any ordinary citizen dressed in suitable attire could enter the palace and its gardens, and observe the royal family.
He would often review a client's wardrobe to pick suitable attire.
"Know you, my good man, if any of your colleagues might have attire suitable to his stature?"
Banks had raided Roy's wardrobe again for suitable attire.
"Miss Penelope, your white muslin would be the most suitable attire for a provincial Assembly."
For some reason, people think suitable attire for a garden tour or party is a vibrant floral print dress.
But "while attempting to avoid all manner of puns on what constitutes 'suitable' attire," she continued, "we will not skirt the issue."
They were usually worn without socks and were considered suitable attire for the avant-garde man.