Little of the area immediately around Crowell has underground water in amounts suitable for irrigation.
That's fine if you consider a minimum of €250 - and probably (very much) more - a suitable amount to spend on a bed.
- Relevant financial information is presented in an understandable, simple format with suitable amounts of detail and explanation.
Rann's committee was to meet tonight and apportion suitable amounts for needed purposes.
As the immigration procedures would take a few hours, you should consider a suitable amount of time for connecting your flights.
At the desk we made appointments with two suitable girls and paid the suitable amount, receipts attached.
While this, with a suitable amount of information, might be the objective of public sector provision, it has, in fact, not been the case.
After a suitable amount of time had elapsed, he took up the document and commenced to read.
Sometimes for convenience a suitable amount of powder and a bullet were wrapped in a paper package, known as a cartridge.
After a suitable amount of time, the young man, who was unsuitably dressed for the climate, told Zilin that he could go inside.