The suit currently names four plaintiffs who, their lawyers said, would represent all Americans who are or once were addicted to cigarettes.
Different suits represent different types of punishment, which are usually agreed upon by the players beforehand.
Thus each suit of 13 cards represents the 13 lunar months of the Earth year.
The suit represents the rural Third Estate (the farmers, laborers, and peasants).
No other suit represents a threat, and the hold-up makes it much less likely that West will be able to use his spade suit.
Unless his sharp suit represents a chilling take on sinister City boys.
The suit of Spades represents the Dragons that are recruited into service by the players.
The suit represents the first time in 17 years that the public defender's office has gone to court to be repaid by a client.
In either case, the suit represents money and theft of the same.
The suits represent the largest number of personal injury cases on Federal and state dockets.