You may not believe this, but suicidal patients are much better off this way than all alone in a private room.
While trying to help a suicidal patient, Tiffany slipped and fell from the roof of a high-rise building.
Although not usually necessary, a suicidal patient with cancer may need to be hospitalized in a psychiatric unit.
Proper use of antidepressants in appropriate suicidal patients is also necessary to consider.
In fact, he ended up specializing in treating suicidal patients.
Interpersonal outcome of cognitive behavioral treatment for chronically suicidal borderline patients.
Tyvan could have mentioned suicidal or homicidal patients, but thought he ought to just sit and listen.
Furthermore, suicidal patients will often have other means available to complete suicide attempts and these must also be evaluated.
I remembered that she was the "acutely suicidal patient" Ike had needed to see the day before as I'd left his office.
The psychiatrist who was supposed to guide them is stuck in town with a suicidal patient.