Less frequently, it may be a manifestation of suicidal intent.
Self-injury is common, and can take place with or without suicidal intent.
Self-mutilation, for example, is common among depressed children, but how can you know whether it was done with suicidal intent?
Of those, only 22% discussed suicidal intent on their last office visit.
He had promptly sought treatment for an illness that confused him, and there was no reason to suspect suicidal intent.
The overdose did not appear to have involved serious suicidal intent.
Only very rarely has the patient carried out the act with suicidal intent in mind.
The second group comprises patients who inflict serious injuries on themselves with considerable suicidal intent.
Re-member, there was no suicidal intent, just extreme determination not to let us approach their ship.
The presence of a suicide note generally suggests more premeditation and greater suicidal intent.