But there are curious and suggestive details about the case, Watson.
Just a lot of suggestive details.
"Could YOU, Mr. Arnesson, add any suggestive details?"
Although he isn't known to be as overtly partisan as Milkulski, Levin, and Durbin, there's another suggestive little detail about Edwards: He's running for president.
You have no further evidence, I suppose, than that which you have placed before us - no suggestive detail which might help us?
These vague but suggestive details, combined with a handful of ambiguous classical references, make up Robb's case for Dupin's homosexuality.
The vignettes are straightforward, but each is warmed by suggestive details.
But one does not get to know the woman in "Blanket," for all its suggestive detail.
The biography, though sadly shortened from the manuscript, is enlivened by suggestive details.
"Yossi's come up with some suggestive details," Ostrow said quietly.