There was no immediate indication, however, whether the commissioner's suggestions would lead to a settlement and get spring training camps open.
They may not be worthy of a second thought, but I believe the suggestions could lead to a fairly broad bipartisan result.
While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.
This suggestion led to a riot in 2007 that claimed two lives.
The last such suggestion led to a labor dispute that nearly killed the game.
Even the suggestion of a withdrawal could lead to serious unrest in western Scotland.
Although general managers don't pass rules or change them, their suggestions often lead to votes by the board.
His suggestions lead us all to the point where it is very minimalist and a quite pure representation of any play.
But her suggestions for alternative lines of inquiry had apparently led nowhere.
After college, Webb's health and the suggestions of doctors led him to move west to a warmer climate.