Pascal Boyer suggests, in his book Religion Explained, that there is no simple explanation for religious consciousness.
He also suggested in his book that oil of cloves and cinnamon be used for pulpitis.
That same spirit is evident, he suggests in his new book, in the way the Bible has influenced modern literary culture.
Q. You seem to be suggesting in your book that it is different for the white nannies?
Mr. Perot suggests in his book that he favors treatment on demand.
Yes, I am, as suggested in Picard's book, guilty of murder.
But we wanted the tapestry to be geometric, an extension of the building's design, as Sullivan suggested in his book on ornamentation.
He has suggested in his book on pedophilia and sexual offending that perhaps 3% of men are sexually attracted to prepubescent children.
Such an empire called for an "imperial presidency," as Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. suggested in his classic 1973 book of the same name.