When the archaeologists suggested in a 2005 report that a battle had been fought there, they encountered some skepticism from other researchers.
Earlier this year, an official Chinese newspaper suggested in a rare report about Ms. Jiang that she was still adamantly opposed to the present Government policies.
The effect of the rising inventories was suggested in a report on June industrial output released today by the Federal Reserve.
British Gas has warned that twenty thousand jobs could go if its monopoly is ended as suggested in a report by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.
The City Lands Committee suggested in a report that the bequest should be spent on educating a larger number of boys and this approach was adopted in 1826.
RailPac suggests in a report that changes to the 8" and 25" platform height standard are happening.
The Secretary General suggested the withdrawal in a report on Thursday to the Security Council.
The Commission suggested the next regulation in a report to the European Parliament, on 6 July 2011.
The officials will identify gaps in those areas and suggest improvements in a report to be issued next week, Mr. Whitworth said.
Rather, they suggest in a report in the journal Science, it is a suction pump.