But newspapers ran numerous articles about the loan, some of them suggesting impropriety, while his opponents repeatedly taunted him.
While he didn't want to miss anything that might provide an important lead, he also didn't want to offend the king by suggesting impropriety or laxness on his staff's part.
While the report suggests impropriety on Mr. Wahid's part, its conclusions are vague and do not say specifically that Mr. Wahid was involved, either directly or indirectly.
Those who believed, even for a moment, that I was suggesting impropriety will recognise this as the sort of false trail that Grisham uses to good effect . . . Though our hero believes himself to be in the clear, he goes along with the blackmailers' demands.
The Washington Post, which serves as a hometown newspaper for many of Mr. Moran's constituents and which first reported the loan last month, said in an editorial that it could see "no favorable interpretation of Mr. Moran's behavior" and that his acceptance of the loan "suggests impropriety."
Experts said this statement clearly suggested impropriety.
While the photographs published in Profil suggest serious impropriety, he said, they were not conclusive evidence and should not be used to destroy the reputations of the people pictured.
Your coverage suggests impropriety in Mr. McCain's conduct, although he expressly states that he is not telling the commission which way to vote, but simply requesting that a decision be made.