It made her feel distinctly uncomfortable to hear him say it, since it suggested concern.
Yet a Saturday night discussion at Kuwait University suggested surprisingly little concern with suspected terrorists who target modernization.
The swift election-year move, which could allow more disgruntled school consumers to create their own districts, suggests more concern for politics than law.
On the other hand, if the third option was "don't know", that would suggest concern, but that the person wasn't sure how concerned they should be.
But it also suggested growing concern in high-unemployment Turkey about the country's ability to find jobs and housing for the huge number of refugees.
Yet these shows, appearing together coincidentally, suggest real concern about the problem - and a wish to deal with it at arm's length.
It was not like him to ask personal questions, much less suggest concern.
His aides asked that the exact floor not be published, for security reasons, which would suggest more concern than Mr. Harris is ready to concede.
But drug experts and political opponents say the decision suggests more concern with politics than drug policy.
This was something more than mere curiosity; every thing in the dog's attitude suggested intense interest and concern.